AndConf is on hiatus for 2017. Read more about it on our blog.
What is AndConf?
AndConf (formerly &:conf) is a code retreat and unconference for programmers with an intersectional feminist perspective. Saturday’s code retreat is a day of pair programming on one kata where each hour we throw our code away and work with a new person. Sunday’s unconference has two tracks: yak and hack, where we'll talk about technologies, programming, careers, and culture. AndConf takes place in the beautiful redwoods of western Sonoma County, CA, at a 100-year old summer camp and retreat center.
AndConf takes place at St. Dorothy's Rest camp and retreat center.
Mailing List
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Conference Organizers
Lillie Chilen
is a software engineer, Rubyist, and process junkie at Omada Health. She
co-organizes SF.rb, chairs the RailsBridge board and is the CTO of Double Union, a
feminist hacker/makerspace in San Francisco.
Stella Cotton
is a software engineer, conference speaker, and co-organizer of
SF.rb. Coming to software after six years in the Financial sector, she’s
passionate about building robust payments systems and diverse teams.
Emily Nakashima
leads the front end engineering team at Bugsnag. She writes and speaks at
conferences on the topics of web performance, client-side monitoring,
javascript patterns, and supporting diversity in technical organizations.